Thursday, October 22, 2009

"You just GOT to lighten up!" Tom Murasso

Tom Murasso October 22 at 2:58am Reply
You just GOT to lighten up!

Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up! Lighten up!

Everything that we are talking about here, from the first subject to the last is about lightening up!

It’s about not making such a big, hairy deal of things that just don’t matter. It’s about getting in the vortex and lightening up and feeling better and loving myself more and having more fun.

In other words, you want your world to be light and free. You can’t organize the world, and you can’t organize your home.

You just got to get into alignment with who you are. And then your body and your home will take shape around you to match this vibrational alignment that is taking place within you.

Philadelphia 6/11/09

1 comment:

  1. Need to lighten up on all of the lighten up! That's a lot of lightening up! LOL I do agree however, making a huge deal out of small things can bring you down and create a negative environment. If we just lighten up and not let things bother us and have a positive attitude life is a much better experience. Hope you have a nice weekend.
